Tuesday, July 16, 2013

thoughts at 3:46 am.

sometimes when one starts talking too much, the ultimate truth about one's self is exposed. it is such ashamed that in a modern world we have now, people are still very narrow in their thinking albeit being educated beyond tertiary levels and scoring well too.

when it comes to believing in someone, we can't be too blinded. in love, that is always the case. but when it comes to family, I believe that we should do what's right because we can't possibly right a wrong. 

in a family, it is only natural that we want to nurture self-confidence, honesty, dignity and self-respect, and the only way for that to happen is to teach family members to respect others. only with respect can we earn respect.

funny that in the efforts to provide comfort and support for a family member, some people go all out to justify the wrongs into rights only because they are flesh and blood. how these people forget that karma is a bitch and what goes around comes around. after all, we all have children... we have sons and we have daughters... or some of us will eventually. how would you feel if the same were to happen to your own children... would you scream and shout and demand for others to apologise and accord your children the respect they so deserve?

think about it. do unto others if you want others do unto you.

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